Sunday, December 31, 2006
How to raise a spiritual child
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Save the polar bear
Friday, December 29, 2006
New blog functionality
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Climate change videos
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The One Sentence Challenge
Physicist Richard Feynman once said that if all knowledge about physics was about to expire the one sentence he would tell the future is that "Everything is made of atoms." What one sentence would you tell the future about your own area, whether it's entrepreneurship, hedge funds, venture capital, or something else? Examples: An economist might say that "People respond to incentives." I had an engineering professor years ago who said all of that field could be reduced to "F=MA and you can't push on a rope." A couple of other good ones come immediately to mind: the GBN motto, "the future is uncertain, and yet we must act;" Bruce Sterling's "the future is a process, not a destination;" Yogi Berra's "prediction is very hard, especially about the future."
In my case, I'd probably say "everything happens for a reason" (see this post). Perhaps I suffer from confirmation bias, but I keep seeing more and more evidence in my life that it's true.
So, what would your one sentence be?
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Blue skies
Yes: Sky color - or "sky transparency" - depends on many factors, among which is humidity. And you know that Portand is a teensy bit more humid than Palm Springs! Consider the brilliant blue sky of a cold, dry winter day compared to the whitish look of the sky on a muggy day in summer. Residents of Palm Springs enjoy a great many low-humidity, sunny days.
So, I suppose while the grass may not be greener on the other side, the sky may indeed be bluer in California compared to where you live. =)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Complete failure
So, what to do? I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. It's a self-bet. If I weigh less than 195 pounds on my next birthday (in June), I'll put $1,000 into my kids' college savings account. Otherwise, I'll donate $1,000 to for a heifer, two goats, and a water buffalo. Basically, I'm putting $1,000 at risk. If I succeed, the money will go toward something that I care about deeply. If I fail, I forfeit the money to something I don't care about (but at least it will do some good in the world).
It's unfortunate I have to resort to tactics like this but such is life. There are consequences for all of our actions and inactions. This just extends those consequences into the physical world and makes them more tangible for me.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
My life is my message
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Biofuel crash course
Monday, November 27, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Goal setting
I once asked one of my most financially successful clients, a multimillionaire "super salesman," whether or not he set goals. He told me that he did, and in fact always had, but not in the way that most people do. Traditional goal setting encourages us to think big and reach for the stars, but also to keep our target constant while we do whatever it takes to achieve it. My client didn't do any of that. He would sit down once or twice a year over a good meal and a nice glass of wine and ask himself, "What would be fun and exciting to make my life about over the next year?" He would then take as long as he wanted to write down his ideas until he had a list that totally inspired him. As the year unfolded, he would check in with his "goals" every now and then and adjust them up or down depending on how things were going in his life.
When he saw how horrified I looked (didn't anyone ever tell him you're not allowed to change your goals once you've written them down?), he told me something I have never forgotten: "The only real purpose of a goal is to inspire you to fall more deeply in love with your life."
There's another good quote regarding goal setting at the beginning of that section of the book. Michelangelo said, "The great danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Speaking of putting yourself out there and overcoming fear, Michael Neill has a new book out called You Can Have What You Want. In a newsletter that I subscribe to, Neill suggests that people try the following experiment:
For the next week, live as if fear is completely unnecessary. Don't worry about it if you feel it - a lifetime of conditioning tends not to disappear overnight. Just notice when you are about to do something if it is coming from fear or 'not-fear', and if it's from fear, don't do it. Any time you aren't sure what to do, ask yourself what you would do if you were not afraid and do that.
Be kind to yourself along the way - the path of not-fear is not always easy, especially at first. But after you've been on it for awhile, you may find it difficult to go back to living the other kind of life.
If that's a scary thought for you, ponder these words of Aung San Suu Kyi, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and the president of Burma who has lived under house arrest for many years:
"Fear is a habit. I am not afraid."
Between presenting at a board meeting on Friday and starting my new job officially on Monday (see post regarding how much I need to learn), I'll have plenty of opportunities to conduct this experiment over the next week or so.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
How Beauty is Made
Veterans Day
After we got out of the theater, I had to run and get the car. We had forgetten the handicapped tag for the car so I had dropped off GH and then parked in the main lot. As I returned with the car, I found GH talking to a man and his family. They had actually sat directly behind us during the movie. Like the first woman, the man was thanking GH for his service to our country and shaking his hand. Then he turned to me, shook my hand, and told me how lucky I am to have GH (which I am), and went on his way. More intrigued, I asked GH if he had seen combat - to which he replied "I was a dentist in the Air Force for two years to serve out my ROTC commitment" (and it was during the Vietnam War, not WWII). I just love the conclusions that people jump to.
To be clear, we should honor our veterans (including GH). Their sacrifice is so often forgotten. We owe them a debt of gratitude that is not easily repaid. Thank you! [For those interested in videos, see also this tribute or this commercial.] We should also remember the service and sacrifice of others - both big and small. Whether it is caring for a veteran, a patient, or someone in need, the everyday service of so many people goes unnoticed and underappreciated. Thank you! We can all learn from your example.
Today is Veterans Day. Enjoy your big day, GH!
Divine Nobodies
In the newsletter, I came across a book excerpt from Divine Nobodies: Shedding Religion to Find God by Jim Palmer. The author describes the moment he realized that God's love is not contigent on anything we can do for him. As Palmer puts it:
What if there isn't anything I can do for God? What if he just wants me to lean against his face and receive his love? What if this phantom Christian I have been chasing is just a big distraction from resting in what God wants to really give? What if my value and worth to God are not contingent on what I do? Maybe this is why I am so tired inside. My soul has only so much energy, and the bulk of mine is being drained through striving to earn God's love and acceptance. What would it be like to truly know there isn't one more thing I ever have to do for God in order for him to be pleased with me?
I certainly believe that God wants us to live our lives by certain standards (e.g, the Ten Commandments). I also believe that God wants us to live with purpose and find our unique way to contribute to the world. But God's love isn't contingent on these things.Thursday, November 09, 2006
I decided to go into the office today to work on slides for the meeting. Two startup moments from the "unofficial first day". About an hour after I got there, the head of R&D (who is effectively the day-to-day CEO) asks me if I could put together letterhead and business cards for the company. So I spent an hour or so playing graphic designer. Then, later in the day, I was having trouble connecting to the wireless network. I spoke with our bioinformatics expert (who doubles as the IT guy) and he said that the wireless network's a little unreliable and needs to be reset about once a day by unplugging the wireless router and then plugging it back in. So he ran off and did that and then everything worked just fine. Welcome to the world of 11-person startups. =)
Monday, October 30, 2006
Marriage in decline?
Here's an interesting question. Is it better to have lots of people rush into marriage but have a 50% divorce rate? Or is it better for people to wait, potentially have sex outside of marriage, and get married once they're ready (if ever)? No easy answers here.
Road to Balance
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Lots to learn
Saturday, October 14, 2006
The Lord's Prayer
Got hobbies?
I also created a list of things I wanted to learn more about - including statistics, game theory, complexity theory, auto maintenance, the environment, energy/alternative energy, culture of obesity, sleep patterns, and open source software. Some progress here - especially related to the environment and alternative energy (but there's plenty more to learn).
And one more list for good measure. At one point, I was thinking about taking a 3-6 month sabbatical from work. Some of the ideas I had for activities were visiting NYC, going to a fitness camp, taking a bike tour, getting some personal training, getting into yoga, going to India, going to Boston and Nantucket, doing some volunteer work, getting more into religion, and catching up with people. With the new job, I guess the sabbatical will need to wait a couple more years.
Since I found the lists, figured I'd share ... but the level of progress is a little depressing.
Lose Yourself
If you had one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?
Success is my only option, failure is not.
Seems oddly appropriate given my jump into the biofuels space (see previous post).
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I'll be the "business entrepreneur" (officially "Senior Director of Business Development") - basically the first full-time business person. Everyone else in the company is a scientist-type. Should be interesting. Certainly an opportunity for me to shine ... or fall flat on my face. Hopefully it will be the former. =)
I'm actually writing this from the Advancing Renewable Energy conference in St. Louis. Even though I won't officially begin my new position for about a month, I'm here "drinking from the firehose" to learn about this new space. President Bush will actually be speaking at the conference tomorrow but, unfortunately, I'll miss his speech since I need to catch a flight and couldn't get onto a later plane (darn!). It's not everyday that you get a chance to see the President of the United States in person.
I have to admit that I'm very curious to see how I do in this new role. If nothing else, there is going to be a massive learning curve associated with both the technology involved (biochemistry and synthetic biology) and the market for the technology (biofuels). I basically have zero domain knowledge/experience with either and will be relying upon (a) being smart, (b) learning quickly, (c) being a strong overall "business athlete" with diverse functional experience, and (d) leveraging the experience of others wherever possible. We'll see if that's enough to be successful .
I'm both excited and scared about what's to come. But I take a lot of comfort from knowing that I have so many people in my corner. Let the new adventure begin.
Friday, September 29, 2006
The Joy of Sons
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Divine council
You will also read about how the Israelite God is part of a divine council of beings. He is the leader of this council and has higher standards of ethics, including concern for the poor and justice for the weak. This is another area that has been enriched with Near Eastern studies, for in them we learn that the idea of a divine council of the gods was prevalent throughout the world of the Bible. For one reference to the divine council in the Bible see Psalm 82:1-4. It is interesting to see that even Satan seems to be a part of the divine council before he becomes a much more sinister and evil being in the New Testament. Please see Job 1 and 2 where God and Satan discuss Job’s righteousness and essentially make a wager to see if Job will hold up or not if he loses everything of value to himself.
While I’m not affiliated with a particular religion, I would describe myself as monotheist so the introduction of a divine council took me a little by surprise. In particular, two excerpts from the textbook intrigued me. First, “empowered by his great wisdom and ethical superiority, YHWH is eventually seen as reigning supreme over other council members, known collectively as the ‘sons of the gods’. Ultimately reduced to a dependent status as YHWH’s vassals and servants, the ‘sons of the gods’ become YHWH’s divine courtiers, running errands and conveying orders to human recipients” (page 65). So, there were many gods but YHWH (who was initially their equal) eventually became their supreme ruler – either the mightiest of all the gods or a one and only God (Israel’s God). Second, “in Gilgamesh, the gods hold council after the flood to lament their destructive excesses … In the Atrahasis epic, they similarly confer after the great deluge, exploring less extreme options … for limiting human population growth” (page 64). So, even if YHWH was ultimately all powerful, at least at the time of Gilgamesh and Atrahasis, YHWH did not reign supreme. Therefore, there was some period of time during which humans existed on the earth where YHWH was not the one and only God. If that is true, how is it that YHWH (and YHWH alone) created the universe, human beings, animals, etc. in Gensis? It doesn’t seem compatible with the concept of a divine council.
The only ways to reconcile thing is to assume that (a) multiple gods have existed at one time or another but YHWH has always been supreme over them and it simply took time for human understanding of that fact to catch up and take shape, (b) multiple gods have never existed but what human beings interpreted as multiple gods or a divine council were simply manifestations or projections of different roles and characteristics of a single God, or (c) a divine council exists but the other members are not gods (and never were) but are simply instruments of a single God. I personally believe (b) but I could also see how (a) or (c) could be true.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Ancient Israel's geographic location between the mighty empires of Egypt and Mesopotamia virtually ensured its repeated domination by superior military forces. Rather than view their history as the result of a vulnerable position and the realities of international aggression, however, most biblical writers interpreted Israel's rise and fall as a consequence of its failure to worship YHWH alone. How do you interpret Judah's destruction by Babylon (587 B.C.E) and again by Rome (70 C.E.)? Why did YHWH not protect his convenant people from their enemies?
I believe that YHWH allowed Judah’s destruction by Babylon and again by Rome to facilitate spiritual growth among the covenant people – and, by extension, followers of other faiths who built upon Judaism. The period of the Babylonian exile was “the most productive era in terms of biblical composition. Scholars believe that much of the Hebrew Bible … was thoroughly revised and reedited during the late sixth, fifth, and fourth centuries B.C.E … Without king, country, or sanctuary, the Jewish exiles in Babylon pondered the national disaster that had robbed them of all the divine promises made to Abraham and David. In the final edition, the Torah thus does not end as one would expect, with Israel’s possession of Canaan. Instead, it concludes with Moses’ ultimate disappointment – seeing the Promised Land from afar and then dying before he can enter it. The divine promises remain in effect, but their fulfillment lies in the indefinite future … At that low point in their history, it may have seemed as if God had entirely abandoned his people. During the exile and its aftermath, Judean writers produced varied works that dramatized their nation’s misfortunes, including the Book of Job, in which a righteous man reexamines traditional concepts of God’s character and divine justice. As Job, after almost unbearable suffering, is finally returned to divine favor, so Israel could hope for restoration” (page 54).
Moments of crisis truly test people’s beliefs and cause them to reevaluate their worldview. Viewed with a long-term perspective, Judah’s destruction by Babylon and again by Rome was a very positive development since it caused scholars to fundamentally reevaluate and refine their belief system and to search for deeper meaning. Many centuries later, we all still benefit from the results of their suffering and searching – in the form of the Hebrew Bible. Also, by leaving people wanting, YHWH provided ongoing motivation to people – even the most righteous among us – to uphold their end of the covenant in hopes of being returned to divine favor.
In his bestselling book Good to Great, Jim Collins opens by observing that “good is the enemy of great”. Had YHWH simply handed Israel possession of Canaan and vanquished its enemies, the people probably would have led good lives but not pushed themselves to be truly great spiritually. It’s just human nature to do that. Why endure pain (even in the form of intellectual or spiritual questioning) if there is nothing to be gained? If YHWH has already told you you’re the chosen people and he has bestowed blessing upon you, why push to become something more than that? Why push to deepen your understanding of the covenant or become better people? You couldn’t have things better than they already were. Instead, YHWH pushes his people to go to the next level and continually seek to improve themselves and their understanding of Him over time. In a word, to strive for greatness as YHWH is great.
Little Hoopsters
Sunday, September 17, 2006
At the end of the first chapter of The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, one of the questions for reflection and discussion is:
From this brief introductory survey of some diverse portrayals of God in the Hebrew Bible (though to derive from different traditions and from different historical periods), what attributes of YHWH do you think have most influenced your own ideas about God? Explain the concepts of divine immanence and transcendence, and give a biblical example of each quality. How can God be both a pure Spirit unencumbered by the physical universe and also a covenant-making Deity who closely communicate with earth-bound individuals?
Certainly, many attributes of YHWH have influenced by ideas about God. I believe in divine immanence (presence in human life). As the text describes on page 14, “as an immanent Being, God intimately communicates with humans, operating within the realm of material reality and remaining accessible to the human mind and consciousness. In Genesis and Exodus, divine immanence takes several forms, ranging from direct appearances to inspired dreams and visitations from angels (supernatural messengers).” I personally envision this interaction between God and human being as being similar to a game of computer chess – see this post for greater detail.
I also believe in God’s transcendence, his absolute independence of both the human and natural worlds. As described on page 15, “unlike other ancient Near Eastern gods, who were typically identified with natural phenomena such as storm and rain or with psychological states such as love and desire, YHWH is usually portrayed as infinitely surpassing the limits of physical nature, undefinable by any aspect of the material universe. Although different biblical concepts of God emphasize different divine attributes, one of the Tanak’s controlling principles is that no image can be made of Israel’s God – he cannot be represented (and thus limited) by any concrete form (Exod. 20:3-6, cf. Deut. 5:8-10). Insisting on God’s transcendence, the author of 1 Kings depicts Solomon as contrasting the inadequacy of the Temple he built to house YHWH’s ‘name’ with the Deity’s infinite majesty: ‘Even heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain [God], much less this house that I have built” (1 Kings 8:27-30). This belief is actually quite similar to Hindu belief that Brahman (the unique Godhead of Hinduism who has no other and no second) cannot be comprehended or objectified (with attributes) without diminishing or limiting his greatness in some way – see this post for greater detail. In the realm of science, Sir John Houghton believes that God exists in a fifth dimension beyond space and time. Therefore, God could be anywhere and everywhere in space and time simultaneously. See this post for more detail.
In terms of the last part of the question, I would flip the question on its head and ask why an all-powerful God can't both transcend the physical universe but also take a personal interest in each being in that physical universe. The question becomes one more of motivation than ability. If God is all powerful, why would He take an interest in me personally? The simple answer in my mind is because He can. With great power comes great responsibility. An absolute ruler on Earth abuses his power (and the interests of individuals under him) because he can. God does the opposite because he can and serves as a personal example for the rest of us to emulate and aspire to.
Lost in translation
Why is the gap between the earliest extant copies of the Hebrew Bible and their time of composition significant? How can we be sure that surviving manuscripts accurately represent the work of their authors? What commonly happens to a document during the long process of copying, editing, and transmitting the text?
The gap between the earliest extant copies of the Hebrew Bible and their time of composition is troubling for many reasons. As the text states on pages 19-20, “our knowledge of the Tanak’s formation and transmission is severely limited by the fact that not a single scrap of any biblical writer’s original composition has survived. Many centuries separate the time in which the older parts of the Hebrew were written from that in which the earliest extant copies were made. The great chronological gap between a given book’s date of composition and the oldest version we have of it is significant because it is during a document’s earliest stages of copying and transmission, before it acquires the status of recognized scripture, that the text is most fluid, subject to editorial additions, deletions, and other changes … In the earliest stages of transmission, many ancient scribes apparently also acted as editors, adding explanatory phrases, or otherwise modifying the text to reflect the covenant community’s ever-changing circumstances. Many editorial changes were minor, mere errors in copying, but others produced notable differences in content … Because neither the author’s original text nor copies made soon after a book first appeared survive, it is impossible to determine the full extent to which later copies differ from the writer’s original version.”
One area of conflict between Muslims and Christians, for example, is the Muslim belief that the Bible is not the word of God as there are likely a number of items that were compromised by human involvement. Where the Bible and Koran differ, the Koran should serve as the definitive source (according to Muslims) since it is a “direct transmission” from God (through Muhammad). This is, of course, what we all care about – the “direct transmission” from God – not a modified or editorialized version based on human biases or limitations. We’ll likely never know the full truth, however (at least not while we are on this Earth). Even with new editions of the Bible (like the NRSV) going back to many of the earliest sources, we’re still not working off the truly “original sources”. Also, as the text points out, “language changes over time and words lose their original meanings and take on new connotations” (page 28). Therefore, we can’t be totally certain how the original text should be interpreted in a modern context. Also, some words or phrases do not translate perfectly from one language to another. In the preface to the Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach, the author’s grandson bemoans the enormous difficulty translators face in trying to express the exact meaning of a text in a different language (page 24):
For what was originally expressed in Hebrew does not have exactly the same sense when translated into another language. Not only this book [Ecclesiasticus], but even the Law [Torah] itself, the Prophecies, and the rest of the books differ not a little when read in the original.
Here's one personal example of meaning changing slightly (but meaningfully) in transmission from one version to another. We just had a board of directors meeting at work and prepared a modified version of our company P&L that showed the relative profitability of each line of business. When we asked the CFO what the BOD thought of the analysis, he stated that they were "very interested" in it. When someone else asked one of my co-workers the same question, he said that the BOD "liked" it. The restated version (while mostly correct) is materially different from the original version - but it's very easy for these changes to creep into the historical record and cause people to form very different judgments than they might have otherwise form given a full understanding of the true reality.
Hebrew Scriptures class @ LTCC
This course explores the origin, history and significant ideas of the Western world’s foundational text. Hebrew Scriptures presents an academic introduction to the ancient stories of the TANAK (The Old Testament) from the creation stories in the book of Genesis all the way until we encounter the ancient prophets of Israel. In between we will explore a world of literature including history, poetry, mythology, and some of the world’s most moving prose. In the process we will learn about the latest evidence on how the scriptures came together and what we can know about that process. While doing all of this we will be able to explore the values and meaning the Bible promotes and look at our own worldview in the process.
And the course objectives are:
- Comprehend the basic historical, cultural, moral, political and theological issues raised by the Hebrew Scriptures,
- Understand the thought and culture of other peoples and the role of Judaism in human history,
- Discuss the three major sections (Torah, Writings, Prophets) of the Hebrew Scriptures and see how they are different and related at the same time,
- Understand the human need for religious expression,
- Analyze major themes of scriptural interpretation and translation including source and form criticism,
- Understand the problems and mysteries that the Hebrew Scriptures attempt to solve,
- Demonstrate critical thinking and communication skills in the context of religious and philosophical ideas.
The text for the class is The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible by Stephen L. Harris and Robert L. Platzner. Should be interesting. I've been meaning to read the Bible but never really got going on it.
Ten best things about global warming
10. Why pay for tattoos when melanoma's free?
9. No more pesky weeds. In fact, no more pesky plants.
8. Nile Encephalitis: not just for Egyptians anymore.
7. Furnaces convert easily into tornado shelters.
6. Helsinki: the new Riviera.
5. Middle East oil producers feel right at home— everywhere.
4. Golfers only need a putter and a sand wedge.
3. For those who can't get enough of global warming. One word: Venus.
2. Steaks, medium rare, on the hoof.
1. Three thongs and you're dressed!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
CAR Aquathon
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Cutting Edge Of Ambition
Start your workday bathed in the sickly glow of a gossip blog and you'll sabotage your productivity all day, says Julie Morgenstern, author of Never Check Your E-mail in the Morning. "When you accomplish a high-level task first thing in the morning, that sense of productivity feeds into the rest of your day," she says. These three quick fixed will optimize your first 60 minutes at your desk.
Your workday really began in the last hour of the day before, when you contemplated the disaster zone known as your desk. "Never leave your office without knowing exactly what you're going to do with the first hour of the next day," says Morgenstern.
"Use your brain's prime time for prime-time work," says Ronni Eisenberg, author of The Overwhelmed Person's Guide to Time Management. So target one major project in your first hour on the job: Knocking it off early amplifies your efficiency once you start multitasking again. The brain is better at multitasking later in the day, after you've had a chance to wake up.
"E-mail has created an instant response culture," says Morgenstern. "It turns you into a reactive slave to Outlook." So turn off that "alert" noise, steal a "Do Not Disturb" hotel tag and post it prominently, and punch the "hold all calls" button on the phone. Now you're cooking.
I could definitely put the first hour of my workday to better use. Recently, I've been getting into work by 9am or 9:30am. By then, a lot of people are well into their day and it's hard to get stuff done since I immediately get pulled into things before I can even get settled. Wish I could get onto an earlier schedule. A co-worker of mine gets into the office every morning at 7:00am or so and is the only one there for about an hour to an hour and a half. That's the way to go. But that would also mean I'd need to get to bed earlier and also be out of the house before the kids are up. Hard call - especially since sometimes I'm the most productive from 10pm to 2am.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
How do I love thee?
I was going through a stack of papers tonight and I came across an old note from my wife. It was a pink sheet of paper and "How Do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways..." is printed across the top. Then she filled in the following:
- You are a great dad
- You spend lots of time with JD and AJ
- You have a very kind heart
- You work hard on improving yourself
- You are very handsome
- You have a great voice
- You take care of all of us
- You work hard to support us
- You help take care of the house
- You are honest
- You are kind to animals
- You are faithful
- You are incredibly smart
- Yet, you are humble
- You are generous with time and money
- You read with your kids
- You don't laugh at my silly fears
- You have terrific hair and lips
- You are gentle
I'm so lucky to have such a supportive spouse. My wife rocks (see also this post). I wouldn't be the person I am today without my wife and I couldn't have accomplished many of the things I've accomplished without her either. Her support means more than I can explain.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I just got through two days straight of reading through it. I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to view it as a whole collection, but you get the sense of immense personal growth in the period you’ve been writing this. Your belief in God seems to have gone from tentative to certain (and now you’re dealing with issues of religious theology pre-assuming God). It’s amazing. Keep it up!
A couple of quick reactions. Wow, two straight days of reading! Amazing my blog could hold his attention for that long - or maybe he just powered through it since he's my friend. Regardless, I'm very impressed and feel very loved. =) Thanks AC, hopefully you got something out of the blog personally.
In terms of the whole collection, no, I haven't had a chance to go back and read through prior entries. I'm sure it would be fascinating to do that sometime. Interesting that AC saw so much growth / progress in such a short period of time (roughly six months). When you're going through a change personally (whether it's losing weight or deciding what to do about religion), you often lack sufficient distance (or objectivity) to really gauge how much progress (if any) you're really making. So it's great to get an outside perspective and some positive feedback.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Revenge of Gaia
A very gloomy outlook indeed. Here's how I see things. I think Lovelock is generally right about what's going on with the planet but I hope to God he's wrong about whether we can still do something about it and how soon the ill-effects of global warming will play out. Regardless, I'm inheriting this problem from prior generation and my children will inherit it from me. I can't do anything about that. The choice in front of me is what I do in the face of this information. On some level, it's a binary decision. I can either do something about the problem or not. Having chosen to do something about the problem, there's a spectrum of options from there - from totally realigning my whole life/career around helping solve the problem to simply recycling more and riding my bike to work. As we speak, I'm attempting the realignment option - updated my resume and trying to find a position at a solar cell company in the Bay Area. Either I'm going to make a difference or go down fighting. At least I'll be able to look my kids in the face 10 to 20 to 30 years from now and honestly say I tried my best to make the world a better place for them.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Faith & Reason
To the extent you're interested, there were 11 other people interviewed in Bill Moyers' series (see portraits).
The power of advertising
Invisible soccer ball
This is an extended metaphor for many puzzles in physics, and it is especially relevant to particle physics. We can't understand the rules (the laws of natures) without knowing the objects (the ball) and, without a belief in a logical set of laws, we would never deduce the existence of all the particles.
The same could be said about religion and the existence of God. I continue to believe that science (and the scientific method) has much to teach us about our search for God - and vice versa.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Here are my results. Per the email I received, a couple of caveats ... The top score in the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches my beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that my views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa. Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in the order of how much they have in common with my professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with my thinking.
- Reform Judaism (100%)
- Sikhism (100%)
- Unitarian Universalism (99%)
- Liberal Quakers (97%)
- Neo-Pagan (89%)
- Jainism (88%)
- Mahayana Buddhism (88%)
- Bahá'í Faith (85%)
- New Age (82%)
- Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (80%)
- Theravada Buddhism (78%)
- Hinduism (77%)
- Orthodox Judaism (76%)
- New Thought (69%)
- Scientology (67%)
- Islam (66%)
- Orthodox Quaker (64%)
- Taoism (62%)
- Secular Humanism (52%)
- Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (42%)
- Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (37%)
- Seventh Day Adventist (36%)
- Eastern Orthodox (34%)
- Roman Catholic (34%)
- Nontheist (30%)
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (27%)
- Jehovah's Witness (10%)
Honestly, I'm not sure what (if anything) to make of the results. I've never even heard of three-quarters of these religions. And my gut says I'm more likely to be a Mormon than a Neo-Pagan but perhaps I shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions. At any rate, if I do decide to affiliate myself with a particular religion in the future, I'll worry about it then. For the time-being, I'll just consider myself a Reform Jew. =)
Where we meet God
Spirituality - whether you are Christian, Muslim, a Jew or a Hindu - is religion experienced intimately. You might say it's the core, the essence of religion. Spirituality is where you and God meet and what you do about it. It doesn't have to be, as Larry Kushner says, "other worldly," such as in Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus." For most people, spirituality is ordinary and every day. It's a buzzword today. Earlier generations probably called the same idea sacred or holy. One of the great Jewish philosophers of all time, Abraham Joshua Heschel, who is a great mystical theologian, suggested that spirituality is life lived in the continuous presence of the divine. I like Heschel's definition a lot.
He goes on to offer his top ten list of what it means to be a spiritual person today:
- To view the world as an ultimate mystery rather than as a mechanized machine
- To view life as meaningful rather than meaningless
- To view life as a lesson in gratitude
- Giving as a matter of obligation for what you owe, not as something that is nice to do
- To realize that mind, body, and soul are all gifts of God
- To acknowledge life's mysteries, even the questions that have no answers
- To trust in the goodness of life and all the potential this implies
- To always hope and never succumb to despair
- To strive for goodness, not things - to believe that honesty, integrity and dignity matter more than anything else
- The belief that every person carries with them the special signature of God
The question of spirituality is also approached from a Buddhist perspective, Christian perspective, and Muslim perspective - although I haven't had the chance to read them yet.
Independent of these essays, if someone asked me the question "where do you meet God", I would say it's in moments where things seem to make sense - whether that's a moment of clarity or insight at work (with a business or technical problem), a connecting of the dots (see this post), or some new piece of scientific knowledge (see this post). If solving complex problems is my purpose in life (see this post), this would seem a logical meeting place for me and God. In that sense, I guess I do live in the continuous presence of the divine.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
LDS Primary and beyond
A couple of comments. First, I think it's better for my kids to be raised with religion and a faith in God rather than without it. Since I can't offer a more compelling alternative, I'm happy for the kids to be part of the LDS church. That being said, it is my sincere hope that we expose them to other faith traditions over time and that they grow up to be tolerant of other religions (or even benefit from other religions to augment their world view). Also, at some point (perhaps in their teens, perhaps sooner or later), I would like my kids to make up their own minds regarding which faith they want to pursue long-term. If that turns out to be the LDS church, I will fully support that decision. But I want it to be their decision (at the appropriate time) and not place any expectations on them regarding what they ultimately decide.
In terms of going on LDS missions, again, I would want it to be their decision. I'm personally not an advocate of actively trying to convert people from one faith to another. That said, I know a number of people who have been on missions and they seemed to have been valuable life experiences for them. Also, having missionaries available as a resource to those investigating the church is certainly helpful. I just have trouble with the door-to-door, unsolicited attempts to spread the faith. But, as I said, if my sons decide to go on LDS missions, I will fully support them in that endeavor.
Regarding having a temple wedding, I would probably be pretty sad to miss the ceremony itself. Perhaps there would need to be a seperate mock ceremony for my benefit. =) Regardless, like I said, I'm fine with my kids being raised LDS until they're old enough to choose for themselves. After that, it's up to them. So I'd run into the same challenge if they were raised a different faith and then converted to LDS later in life (but before they were married). At that stage of the game, I basically view all of this as being out of my control. What is in my control, however, is supporting my children in whatever is most important in their lives. If that included a temple wedding, I'd stand outside the temple and be the first one to embrace and congratulate them on the way out.
Interesting how having kids brings the question of religion into the forefront. It's definitely important to be on the same page regarding these issues before the kids are born - especially if the parents are of different faiths. I can see now why so many people try to marry within their own faith to avoid these concerns.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Photographic essence
I thought of this question today as I was scanning a picture of my son JD (see high-quality version here). Perhaps it's just because I know him so well but I think this photo really captures a lot of his essence - creative, energetic, a love for life.
So, here's a thought-provoking question (that I haven't figured out for myself). If you were going to be remembered by a single photograph, which one would it be and why? Would it be a current photo? One from your childhood? Would the photo be of just you or would it be a group shot? Would it be fun or serious? An everyday shot or a special event? Would you even be in the photo or would it be a piece of art or a scene from nature?
Sacramento Temple
For those of you not familiar with LDS temples, here are two questions and answers from a handout I received (see scans of all handouts here).
Q: What is the purpose of the temple?
A: Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints consider the temple the house of the Lord. Inside, Church members learn more about the purpose of life and make covenants to serve Jesus Christ and other people. In addition, they participate in ordinances such as baptism and eternal marriage for their deceased ancestors.
Q: What is the inside of the temple like?
A: The interior of the temple does not resemble a great hall or a cathedral. Instead, it contains a number of rooms, each designed to accommodate certain ceremonies, such as marriage, baptism, and instructional sessions. Church members participating in these ordinances change into simple, modest, white clothing. The color white symbolizes purity and reverence.
A couple of observations from the trip. It was a gorgeous day - very sunny. The temple itself was quite beautiful - not as stunning or majestic as the ones in DC or SLC but still an impressive piece of architecture. Many commented that it's similar to the temple in Fresno. I was a little disappointed that the interior of the temple isn't more exotic. Other than the baptismal font (resting on the backs of 12 oxen, symbolically representing the 12 tribes of Israel), all of the rooms were fairly ordinary - although impeccably designed and furnished. During the informational video at the beginning of the tour, a couple of church members commented that temples are like a piece of heaven on Earth. I personally didn't get that feeling going through the building but I'm also not a church member.
On our way into the temple grounds, there were people holding signs for It's always amazing to me to see people who want to tear down other people's beliefs rather than exemplify their own. In the case of LDS temples, I guess people fear what they can't personally experience or understand. The same is true with fraternities (like Kappa Sigma), other secret societies, and their rituals.
On a whole, I'm very glad I took the day to visit the temple. I'm especially glad that I got to share the experience with my wife, kids, and HG - all of whom are church members.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
We Feel Fine
Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs. Every few minutes, the system searches the world’s newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases “I feel” and “I am feeling”. When it finds such a phrase, it records the full sentence, up to the period, and identifies the “feeling” expressed in that sentence (e.g. sad, happy, depressed, etc.). Because blogs are structured in largely standard ways, the age, gender, and geographical location of the author can often be extracted and saved along with the sentence, as can the local weather conditions at the time the sentence was written. All of this information is saved.
Give the applet a try. It's pretty fascinating to explore the range of emotions out there - complete with quotes and the ability to drill down into different categories (e.g., show me feelings from August 2006 when it's sunny out for men in their 30's who live in California). Makes you feel not so alone in how you're feeling.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Band of Brothers
The Rock
"Always improve. Always evolve. Never give up."
"Clarity is king: being very clear on what your intention is, on what your goal is ... When you have that, the truth shall set you free ... those are the most powerful tools we have in life: truth and knowledge. A lot of times the truth can hurt, the truth sucks, it can crush your ego. But it's freeing just to know it. Make sure that everyone is very, very clear on things."
"My director once quoted a basketball player who said, 'When you are not practicing, remember, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you meet him, he will win.' I think I jumped up and threw my table across the restaurant, it connected so well with me. But a lot of times you have to dial it down a bit ... Going without sleep is counterproductive. At some point, you just have to get off that treadmill."
There was also a good swiss-ball exercise I'll need to keep in mind for the future:
Get into pushup position, resting your shins on a Swiss ball. Raise your hips as high as you can as you roll the ball toward your body. This is the starting position. From here, bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the floor, pause, then push yourself back up. "You can do so many variations," says Johnson. "Lift one leg, come down slow, isometrically hold the pushup, with your face 6 inches off the ground. It works your core, shoulders, triceps, chest, balance, everything."
Interesting that I'm taking life advice from a former pro wrestler but it's important not to judge a book by the cover. I'm learning that everyone has something to share with us if we're willing to really listen.
Growing backlog
- Hinduism - part 2 (the follow-up to this post)
- Godicles (sort for God Particles, based on a conversation I had with PG in NYC)
- Talent show reflections
- Searching for truth - responses to questions from Mormon missionaries
- Band of Brothers reflections
- How do you know I love you?
- Buddhist perspective (based on this article from
- Karaoke cable car (including article from Men's Health magazine)
- The Rock's rules for reinvention (from this article in Men's Health magazine)
- Consumerism (visceral reactions at Costco and Bed Bath & Beyond)
- Prayer book (idea courtesy of EGE)
- Screwtape letter with me as the patient (based on Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis)
- Stumbling on Happiness reflections (once I finish the book)
- The Language of God reflections (once I finish the book)
- Americans and Climate Change reflections (once I finish the paper)
- Plan B 2.0 reflections (once I finish the book)
- Bible relfections (once I get back to reading it)
So no lack of things to talk about ... just a lack of time to investigate and talk about them. I'm really enjoying this explosion of interest in such a diversity of topics. At the same time, I find myself jumping around between topics too much - getting through the first chapter of a book, for example, and then starting a new book that catches my eye. Definitely not being as efficient as I could be but that's probably ok given where I am right now.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Distant cousins
Admittedly, thinking of π as its own dimension is a little far-fetched. When I mentioned it to JK (another college friend), he asked me "is PG doing ok ... he's not taking drugs, right?" But there might be more to this than we immediately realize. I just finished watching a NOVA documentary called The Elegant Universe. My brother suggested that I check it out (thanks!). The documentary is about the field of string theory. String theory has attempted to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics. Some refer to it as a "theory of everything". One thing which is challenging about this theory is that it requires 10-11 dimensions - six of which form a Calabi-Yau shape. Many string theorists believe that fundamental constants derive their values from properties of these additional dimensions. Therefore, the idea that π is its own dimension is likely not correct but its curious properties might indeed be the result of additional dimensions that are projected onto the 3-4 dimensions that we (as humans) are most comfortable with. Food for thought.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Eternal damnation
(1) My own feeling is that Christianity is unique but it is not exclusive. Let me illustrate: A magnifying glass focused on the bare shoulder of a person can burn and burn deeply. That glass makes more intense the heat of the sun. But that sun is shining all over the world--it just burns more intensely through the magnifying glass. My belief is that God is trying to make his love known through every source possible-- this includes religions other than Christian. In their religion they find a magnifying glass.
(2) We make God too small when we declare that only people like us can know God.
I'm currently of the opinion that all religions are incomplete in some way. For example, why would God create man and then offer revelations to different people / prophets around the world (“to every people we have sent a messenger”)? One explanation is that God wants man to search out the “truth” and conduct that search of their own free will. But that begs the question of why such a search for truth (religion) has led to so much turmoil and violence in the world? Perhaps it’s all a test of man. Perhaps God gave different pieces of the puzzle to different faiths but left enough overlap and confusion that it wouldn’t be immediately clear which pieces were which (or even what is or isn’t a piece in the first place) and how the pieces go together. Perhaps that man’s greatest test – finding a single truth among all the revelations (old and new), being selfless and God-seeking enough to set aside some of our prior beliefs, and come together as a people (all of us) in that new found truth.
Or maybe there is indeed one true faith and the rest of us will suffer eternal damnation. I doubt it, though. I just can't accept that's how God operates.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Hinduism - part 1
One immediate misconception I had about Hinduism is that it's polytheist. This brief essay does an excellent job of distinguishing between Brahman (the unique Godhead of Hinduism who has no other and no second, "thou before whom all words recoil"), Iswara (the all powerful Almighty which is the subject of all religions), and other deities such as Kali. The logic chain is fascinating to me:
The difficulty with this concept [Brahman] is this; there is no subject-object relationship in this context, Brahman cannot be the object of cognition, since Brahman has no second. In fact nothing can be predicated about Brahman without delimiting the infiniteness of Braham. So Hindu Vedanta, with a mathematical precision, has postulated that the moment one wants to think of Brahman as an object of thought, one has already delimited Brahman and is only thinking of Iswara, , otherwise called saguna Brahman – Brahman with attributes. Iswara is the all powerful Almighty which is the subject of all religions. It has all the supreme qualities of Brahman – if Brahman could be said to have qualities or attributes – and, in addition, it could be the object of our thought process. By its very nature all names and forms suit it. The Vedic logic here is really very subtle, interesting and should be enjoyed as such. It has no name or form and therefore it could be called by any name and could be given any form. The concept of idol worship is the practical implementation of this unique logic of Hinduism. Hinduism has the daring to carry the rationale of this to its logical conclusion and hence it is we find a plethora of gods and goddesses in the Hindu framework.
To oversimplify, there is a single, infinite God (Brahman) but that God can manifest itself in a number of lesser, finite forms (Iswara and deities) that are easier for man for understand and relate to. These lesser forms, however, do not diminish or compete with "THAT" which "permeates everything in the world".
But what is Hinduism all about? Huston Smith says "if we were to take Hinduism as a whole - its vast literature, its complicated rituals, its sprawling folkways, its opulent art - and compress it into a single affirmation, we would find it saying: You can have what you want. This sounds promising, but it throws the problem back in our laps. For what do we want? It is easy to give a simple answer - not easy to give a good one. India has lived with this question for ages and has her answer waiting. People, she says, want four things." The first two (pleasure and success) form the Path of Desire and the second two (duty and liberation) form the Path of Renunciation (see excerpts from The World's Religions or this Web page for more detail).
I've been thinking a lot about the Path of Desire and the Path of Renunciation today. Specifically, I think I'm transitioning from one path to another. In some ways, I've been doing it my whole life but never realized it until now. It would explain a lot. I've always felt that I was meant to do something great in this life. Given our cultural stereotypes, I had always associated that material wealth and power (the second half of the Path of Desire). But it's really not that. It's about serving my fellow man, about making a difference in this world (whether that's the environment or something else). I might remain in the business world but it takes on a very different complexion when viewed through the lense of duty rather than success.
Our society (on a whole) is so focused on pleasure and success that you get sucked into it. I've wondered why I can't embrace it more fully. It's actually quite uncomfortable and alienating - especially here in Silicon Valley. But I've probably had multiple lifetimes to really enjoy (and suck dry) the Path of Desire. I've had my fill and now I find it wanting.
There's so much more to say about Hinduism, including the eternal within us (Atman-Brahman), the way to God through knowledge (Jnana yoga), karma, non-attachment, etc. More to come in subsequent posts.