Thursday, December 25, 2008

Everything's amazing, nobody's happy

A friend of mine turned me on to this video.  It's a clip of Louis CK on Conan (10/1/08).  He's talking about modern conveniences and how everyone takes them for granted.  I've made that observation many times before.  In particular, I think it's amazing (and a little crazy) that my kids will never know a world without cell phones, email, the Internet/Web, DVDs, DVRs, Microsoft Office, Google, video games, computers, etc.  Just as an example, I still remember going to the public library to do research for school projects, looking up books in a paper-based card catalog, photo-copying the pages I needed, and typing up my report in DOS-based Word Perfect and printing it out on a dot-matrix printer.  Now I could probably accomplish the same thing in 20 minutes using Google or Wikipedia without even having to leave my house - and have a much more polished result to boot.  Amazing how quickly things change - and I'm not even that old!

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