Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Praying in Color

It's been awhile since I've read something good on But this article caught my attention. Here's an excerpt from the beginning of the page:

How do you pray when words become barriers rather than possibilities? When thinking in sentences is too linear to express a rainbow of emotions.

The rest of the article was a bit of a disappointment but I suppose they didn't want to give up too much of the real meat since they want you to buy the book. Regardless, the doodling concept is an interesting one. It's also a good reminder that there are a lot of ways to commune with God beyond formal prayers.


David "El Salsero" said...

Hard to imagine a person not being able to pray with words. Not implying prayer is simple and straight forward, but for me prayer has always been about conversation; profound and emotional conversation with God. Nevertheless, I agree there are many ways to commune with God--how about doing something nice for a person. I read that when you do sometime nice for someone, they are more likely to do something nice for someone else. It was an example given from a person that paid another person's toll. Wish I had kept that article.

Anyway, I should share with you that I'm done searching for truth. There are many reason to deny the existence of God or truth and dismiss religion altogether. I was reminded not very long ago that mortality should be a strong impetus for letting go of one's pride and choosing to have a relationship with God. In less than 8 weeks, I will become a new dad. I'm sure you know how exciting and emotional that day was for you. Didn't it lead you to conclude that there is more to life than jobs, sports, money, fame? What about when you die? What are you thinking now? For me, I'm done questioning because there is more peace and direction in my life when I know things are happening for a greater purpose. I find more fulfilling if I channel my studying towards this purpose than to go on questioning God, religion, and absolute truth. The only truth is that I would like to be reunited with my family in the after life. That means I can die tomorrow knowing that I will see them again. This brings peace to my life.

ap said...

I can think of several kids I worked with over the years that would have much greater success praying via dance, music, or a visual art medium than via words. Putting thoughts together through language is not easy for everyone. This is a cool article topic - too bad it didn't follow through well. Maybe you could write an article for explorefaith. love you